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MIO M2W28P3C24L3 Triumph SE Strapless Heart Rate Watch

Product Detail: MIO M2W28P3C24L3 Triumph SE Strapless Heart Rate Watch
- Strapless EKG-accurate heart rate monitor featuring the innovative patented Calorie Management System.
- Includes a Diet Diary which tracks and displays total calories consumed against calories burned.
- Heart Rate Recovery Mode measures and analyzes your cardiovascular fitness. The Resting Heart Rate mode is also an excellent indicator of overall health & fitness.
- Visual indicator of exertion level based on heart rate and personal data. Also displays Percent of maximum heart rate display based on age and gender. Know that you're exercising at the right intensity to achieve your desired fitness goals.
- BONUS: 2 extra interchangeable watch bands, no tools needed. Personalize and change the look of your watch in seconds.
In addition to calorie management, this watch is packed with features specially designed to help train and monitor your health & fitness. The MIO Triumph SE has 5 dual timers, ideal for interval training, and the EKG-Accurate Heart Rate allows you to measure your Heart Rate Recovery—one of the best indicators of your heart’s cardiovascular fitness.
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